Football For All
The Football For All programme, delivered in partnership between Capital Football and the Wellington Phoenix, has the primary aim of fostering inclusion, participation and hauora by using football as a vehicle.
The programme places tamariki and rangatahi from ages six to 17 into football clubs, futsal teams and school teams by removing potential barriers to active play and recreation.
Football For All focuses on the following barriers:
- Registration costs
- Equipment needs
- Transportation assistance
- Communication difficulties
There are multiple ways to get involved with the programme.
Participants can select to take part in:

Club Football (ages 4+)
Participants can choose to play for a Capital football club for the entire season.
Selected participants are placed into club football teams which are decided predominantly due to geographical placement, or specific request.
The football season runs predominantly from April to September each year.
Season Dates: April - September
Registrations open: NOW

School Football (ages 13 - 18)
Selected participants can choose to get support to play for their school team.
Facilitation takes part between the Football For All programme and the school to enable participation during the school term.
Funding for school tournaments is available on a case by case basis.
Dates : Term 2 & 3
Registrations Open: NOW

Futsal (ages 4+)
Selected participants can play either for their school futsal team or a Football For All team.
Football For All is also available to cover the full costs of school teams if required.
Dates: Term 1 & 4
Registrations Open: Term 1 Registrations Open Now

Education courses - Refering and Coaching courses (ages 13+)
Participants, and thier whanau can attend any of the Capital Football Coaching or Refereeing courses throughout the year.
These courses are encouraged for participants whanau to attend to engage in the football community.
Dates: TBC

Open Play Futsal (Free futsal sessions)
Open Play Sessions run for 6 week blocks throughout the year.
These sessions are free for anybody to attend as an opportunity to get into futsal.
Open Play sessions are held at the Wellington Indian Sports Centre, dates will be confirmed shortly.
The Football For All programme provides different support structures across its activities to help reach a wider range of participants. Below are the options that can be selected when registering.
Kākāriki provides full participation support for Football For All activities:
- Registration fees fully covered.
- The Football For All programme covers all fees associated with registering for your selected team
- Football equipment provided
- Participants recieve new boots, and all kit required for their team uniform.
- Transportation assistance.
- Participants who select Kākāriki, will have transportation assistance throughout the year.
What this looks like depends on each participants specific needs, however one option frequently used is petrol vouchers. - Access to a Community Coordinator.
Coordinators play a pivotal role as facilitators between participants, whānau & clubs.They are there to help communicate training and game times, but also help participants settle into clubs and teams by providing information and assistance where needed.
Every Football For All participant has access to a Coordinator throughout the season
Kōwhai provides partial support for Football For All activities:
- Registration fees fully covered.
- Football equipment provided.
- Access to a Community Coordinator.
Kikorangi provides registration support for Football For All activities:
- Registration fees fully covered.
- Access to a Community Coordinator.